TEDxAmsterdam Women Conversations

Conversations are a new expert panel discussion event, exclusively for Members and Partners

Conversations give us the opportunity to keep the mission of TEDxAmsterdam Women alive throughout the year.  They are a smaller and more intimate way to interact with our TEDx community allowing for discussion and sharing of ideas and best practices around topics that are current, and important for the empowerment of women. They are for TEDxAmsterdam Women members and partners only.

23 March 2023

Conversations I: Advancing Women's Role in Tech

Our first TEDx Conversation was held on Thursday, 23rd March at Sir Adam Hotel. Today, technology is developing at an exponential rate, in particular in the field of AI.  Underrepresentation of women in the technology industry persists.  With the lack of female input, creation of technology that is not inclusive to all genders will continue.  How can we change this pattern?  How do we encourage more women to enroll in education with the goal of making a profession out of technology? How can we ensure that women have an input into the development of new technology at the development stage to ensure we create an unbiased and inclusive technology for the future. 

Panel 1: Why do we need women in Tech, and what is preventing them from taking on these types of roles? How to get more women to commit themselves to a career in tech. 

Panel 2: How do we get there? For example, what can the educational system do to encourage women to get engaged with tech or what are some of the practical changes in ways of working that can be implemented? eg start as a recruiter in tech, how can you switch role.

6 July 2023

Conversations II: Invisible Conversations about Health

Many female health issues are still regarded as ‘taboo topics’ within society. From painful menstruation/periods, to endometriosis, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) to menopause, amongst others. Suffering in silence shouldn’t be the status quo when so many women are affected by these issues, which have a significant impact on their daily lives.  In this TEDxAmsterdam Women Salon we’ll be breaking through the silence by bringing these topics firmly into the spotlight  and will discuss how we normalize these conversations.

This Conversation will take place on Thursday July 6, at the A’dam Tower, from 17:30 – 19:30.

Please note that TedxAmsterdam Women Conversations are exclusively for members or partners. If you’d like to become a member and partner just click the panel next to this text for more information!

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